Thursday 19 May 2016

Tibetan KuNye Massage – Start Learning the Process of Healing!

KuNye massage is a well-known practice belonging to Tibetan Medical tradition. Having its origin in the ancient sages of Tibet, nearly 3900 years ago, KuNye massage is associated with Traditional Tibetan Medicine and yogic understanding of the body's energy to maintain balance and overall health. 

Nearly, one and a half century ago, this world was unfamiliar with the Tibetan Medicines. However, over the past years, we did have great resources to learn about different healing techniques of Tibetan culture – one of which is Tibetan massage.

The foremost part of a KuNye massage session involves skin rubbing with natural ointments and oils, movement of joints etc. The second part of the massage includes massage on each section of the body, muscle, spot and channel acupressure.

KuNye massage is done all over the body – from the top of your head to the toes. The massage is good for those having a busy schedule, who feel exhausted or stressed or those who constantly suffer from insomnia (lack of sleep) or anxiety. The massage also provides comfort and relaxation against muscle skeletal disorders.

Those of you who are interested in learning and practicing KuNye massage may gain certifications from a recognized training center. Most training centers provide video sessions for the trainees to understand and practice the massage in an appropriate way.

You may easily enroll in online KuNye massage sessions and start practicing the different techniques of it at your home.

The course will include –  

1) Theoretical part:
Before you start to learn the process of healing, you need to be familiar about Tibetan medicines and how they work on your body and mind. So this part will include the basic introduction about Tibetan medicines to help you build a rich foundation for practicing the Tibetan KuNye massage.

2) Practical part:
This part will introduce you with video sessions with illustrations for how a particular stroke is done, together with a videoclip showing how the stroke is actually performed in KuNye massage. Each video will include the explanatory text and the application manner, including the several benefits of practicing it.

The course provides you everything that you need to be familiar about the KuNye massage, thus allowing you to practice the massage exactly the same way Tibetan doctors performed it centuries ago. The main focus of this course is to guide you through the steps Tibetan massage is performed in a professional manner, together with a deep insight into the Tibetan medicines.

To gain more information on Tibetan KuNye Massage Course , call us at +34661320492

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